How to debug a not paired sensor
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The transmitter must be paired with the sensor/probe to work properly. Otherwise, the Built-In Self Test (BIST) will fail indicating that a not paired sensor is connected (BIST 0x5F = 95). Follow the next steps to resolve the issue.
Ensure the setting Allow Deactivation is set to Yes. The default configuration of the NEON vibration sensor has Allow Deactivation enabled but the user might need to send a downlink to oconfigure the device. For more information about generating the downlink to configure the device please refer to the Configuration section.
If a configuration downlink is sent to enable Allow Deactivation the user must confirm that the device changed its configuration before proceeding to step 2. The user can confirm this by monitoring when the device reboots after receiving the configuration downlink via LoRa.
Deactivate the sensor by holding the button pressed for 5 seconds and, when the LED indicator turns white, release the button and press it again once. The LED will turn red indicating the device is deactivated. For more information about the deactivation procedure refer to the product manual.
Activate the device again by holding the button pressed for 5 seconds and, when the LED indicator turns white, release the button. After the activation sequence, the LED should turn green indicating a successful activation. For more information about the deactivation procedure refer to the product manual.
If after completing this procedure the issue persists, contact TWTG through the service desk for further assistance.