How to change the configuration of the device from using FSB1 to FSB2 in US915
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The NEON Temperature Sensor is configured to operate by default on the Frequency Sub-Band 1 (FSB1) of the US915 frequency band. Other sub-bands can be configured before shipment upon request, nevertheless, the user can configure these sub-bands using the NEON configurator. One of the most common changes is from FSB1 to FSB2. In this section, the process to do so will be outlined.
With the NEON Temperature Sensor connected and working on FSB1 generate a downlink using the NEON configurator changing the first field of the Lorawan Fsb Mask from 0x00FF to 0xFF00 as shown in the image below.
Click Encode and send the downlink using your LoRa Network Server (LNS) through fPort 15. TWTG's default configuration but changing to FSB2 generates the Hex string 250103023ca00501020100ff00000000000000009f59 and the Base64 JQEDAjygBQECAQD/AAAAAAAAAACfWQ==.
Wait for the device to accept the downlink, this will occur after the next uplink the Temperature Sensor sends to the LNS. Afterwards, the device will reboot changing its configuration.
Once the device has rebooted, change the FSB in the LNS and/or gateway from FSB1 to FSB2.
The device will then recover and connect automatically but if the user wants to force the connection they can deactivate and activate the device after changing the FSB in the LNS and/or gateway.