How to use a temperature element different from type K
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Only applicable for NEON Temperature Transmitters using protocol v3 and v4
The NEON Temperature Transmitter is configured by default to use a type K thermocouple. Using another temperature element is possible by changing the configuration of the transmitter once provisioned. The configuration can be changed by generating a downlink using the NEON configurator and sending the downlink using the LoRa Network Server (LNS).
In the Application Configuration tab, in the field Sensor Type change the selection to the desired temperature element.
Click Encode and send the downlink to the device through fPort 15. The device will reboot once the downlink is received changing its configuration.
In the Sensor tab, in the field Sensor Type change the selection to the desired temperature element.
Click Encode and send the downlink to the device through fPort 7. The device will reboot once the downlink is received changing its configuration.