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The data analytics navbar and the tree asset comprise the navigation section.
The data analytics navbar will let the user swap the view between the data analytics features when an asset or device is selected (double-click). When double-clicking on different assets or devices the selected option in the navbar will remain selected. The available options in the navbar are:
Each view is explained in its respective sections.
The asset tree is the organization of entities and devices. Clicking on an asset will expand its contents. The asset tree's iconography is defined in the following table.
An asset containing other assets
An asset containing devices (machine)
A device
The user can use the search bar below the data analytics navbar to find an asset, machine or device. Clicking on the vertical ellipsis of a machine or device (visible when hovering in the time) will expand a sub-menu where the user can access the detail, trend, spectrum, or waterfall view of the selected entity.
Specifically, when clicking on the vertical ellipsis of a device the user can also enter the device health view or configure the device.