Vibration Spectrum
(Comment: Should get a better FFT starting at 5 instead of 0 Hz)
Last updated
(Comment: Should get a better FFT starting at 5 instead of 0 Hz)
Last updated
The Vibration Spectrum dashboard is shown in the figure below. The dashboard has 3 main sections.
FFT List: Select FFTs to show on the dashboard. Multiple FFTs can be shown at the same time. Use the Options button of an FFT to add an annotation to the FFT or to delete it.
Acceleration Spectrum: This graph shows the selected acceleration spectra. It has three options:
a. Toggle CPM: Rescale the horizontal axis to counts per minute and back.
b. Toggle Envelope: Switch between the vibration spectrum and the envelope spectrum.
c. Full Screen: Expand to full screen. Click anywhere in the spectrum to add an annotation, or to set harmonic cursors. Clicking harmonic cursors will be set cursors at integer multiples of the frequency that was clicked. After placing, the cursors can be dragged by clicking them.
Velocity spectrum: This graph shows the velocity domain of the selected vibration spectra. It has three options:
a. Toggle CPM: Rescale the horizontal axis to counts per minute and back.
b. Full Screen: Expand to full screen. Click anywhere in the spectrum to add an annotation, or to set harmonic cursors. Clicking harmonic cursors will be set cursors at integer multiples of the frequency that was clicked. After placing, the cursors can be dragged by clicking them.
Click the Realtime to specify the time range from which spectra will be shown in the FFT list.
This will open the options screen as shown below. Make sure the Realtime tab is selected. Specify what data to show using:
Last: Specify how far back historic data should be specified. Defaults to 7 days, but can be increased up to 30 days. Use the advanced option to specify how many days, hours, minutes and seconds exactly.
Interval: Specify the interval of time from which data should be shown, i.e. current day or current hour.
Data aggregation function: Aggregate data over the Grouping interval and specify how to handle the result. Of the aggregated data the minimum, maximum, average, sum and count can be shown. Choose None to disable the data aggregation function.
Timezone: Specify the timezone to base the options upon.
If the RPM of the machine is defined in the machine overview, two dotted lines will be displayed in the spectrum representing the minimum and the maximum RPM.